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Domains .cn - basic information

domena cn
  • How to register a Chinese internet domain?

  • Minimum registration and renewal period
    1 year
  • Registration time
    Up to 14 working days
  • Restrictions
    Registration of .cn domain names is restricted and may require additional documents. Please contact us for details prior to paying for this domain name.
  • Registration of IDN
  • Required documents
  • How much does a Chinese .cn domain cost?

  • Registration fee
    149,00 PLN net / year
  • Renewal fee
    149,00 PLN net / year
  • Trade fee
    79,00 PLN net
    Registrant change does not change domain's expiration date.
  • Domain reactivation fee
    599,00 PLN net
    + renewal fee
    Additional restore fee paybale after domain renewal date (8 days before expiration date). Restore is possible only within 14 days past that date.
  • How does the .cn domain transfer proceed?

  • Transfer time
    14 days
  • Transfer fee
    499,00 PLN net
    Domain transfer must be initiated no earlier than 60 days after registration and no later than 16 days before expiry.
    Domain transfer extends its validity by 1 year.

Additional information about the .cn domain

According to the new rules, companies and individuals outside China can once again register Chinese domain names.

Registration of a .cn domain requires acceptance of many CNNIC registry rules, and registration procedures are frequently changing. The current registration rules are described below.

  • The chosen domain name must not contain words reserved by Chinese authorities, including geographical names, generic names of goods and industries, trademarks reserved by other entities, etc.
  • The registrant must provide complete and current data necessary for registration,
  • The registrant must read and accept all terms and policies of the CNNIC registry,
  • The registrant must comply with all policies regarding allowed content on sites hosted under the .cn domain,
  • It is required to host the domain on servers located outside the territory of China (the exception to this rule applies only in the case of having a valid ICP number),
  • The registrant must take full responsibility for any suspension of the domain name or other consequences related to violations of CNNIC rules,
  • Registration of .cn IDN domains, using the Chinese alphabet, is also possible.

Registration of .cn domains for foreign entities (based outside the territory of China)

The CNNIC domain registry allows the registration of .cn domains for foreign entities. Currently, to register .cn domains, it is required to provide a copy of the business registration or KRS entry in the case of business entities based in Poland.

Since March 2022, for each registration (for an individual or company) it is also necessary to provide a scan of the identity document of the person representing the registrant, listed as the contact person in the order. This must be a scan of an ID card or passport. We cannot activate the domain without fulfilling this requirement.

Registration of .cn domains for Chinese entities

Registration and transfer of .cn domains to an entity based in the territory of China may involve additional procedures and costs. Please contact us for a quote for such a service before placing an order.

Trustee service

In the case of maintaining .cn domains, there was previously an option to use a paid trustee service, under which the trustee was formally the registrant. In such cases, there was no need to send documents (copies of ID cards or passports) to China for verification. The client using the trustee service could be an individual or company from China and Hong Kong.

The trustee service is no longer available.

Other .cn domain extensions

It is also possible to register the domain and the domain, as well as the Chinese IDN: IDN .中国 domain.

Domain cn - information on the registry

.cn - national domain: China

Available TLD: .cn
Organization: Chinese Academy of Sciences
Registry address:
Public WHOIS server:

Our customers

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Why should you want to register a domain name with

Largest selection of TLDs from around the world – in one place

Convenient payment methods: bank transfer, PayU, credit card

VAT and pro forma invoices

Simple ordering process and immediate access to domains

Domain expiration renewal reminders

Never lose a domain – renew domains even a year in advance

Well-established position on the market. No hidden costs.

Additional services: redirection server, domain parking and more.

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