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Start your business in Hungary
The registration of .hu domains is available to all registrants from any country in the European Union, the European Economic Area, the European Free Trade Association, and countries neighboring Hungary.
The registration of a .hu domain requires confirmation of the domain registrant's email address and takes approximately 2 weeks. After receiving the registration request, the registry places the domain on a public list of pending registrations. If no objections are raised by other entities regarding the requested name, the domain is automatically registered.
The DNS servers to which the .hu domain is delegated must be properly configured. This includes verification of the SOA record, MX record, and the existence of a postmaster mailbox. You should verify the correct configuration of your servers. We also provide full .hu domain management on our servers.
The registration and maintenance of .hu domains require acceptance of the Domain Registration Rules and Procedures. For all .hu domains, in accordance with registry requirements, the administrative contact is our Hungarian partner.
.hu - national domain: Hungary
Available TLD: .hu
Organization: Council of Hungarian Internet Providers (CHIP)
Registry address: http://www.nic.hu
Public WHOIS server: brak
Largest selection of TLDs from around the world – in one place
Convenient payment methods: bank transfer, PayU, credit card
VAT and pro forma invoices
Simple ordering process and immediate access to domains
Domain expiration renewal reminders
Never lose a domain – renew domains even a year in advance
Well-established position on the market. No hidden costs.
Additional services: redirection server, domain parking and more.
It is easy, check it in our search engine, or look it up on the foreign domains list.
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