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Start your business in Poland
We invite you to register .pl domains with us. .pl domain is the national domain of Poland and is widely used domestically and internationally.
Domain names in .pl are available to anyone without restrictions, first come, first served. All registrations are instant.
A variety of extensions is available. Apart from .pl, registrations are possible in .com.pl, .net.pl and many others. However, .pl is most common.
MSERWIS (operator of Domeny.tv) is an accredited registrar by NASK (.pl registry) concerning .pl domains. Using of any services related to .pl domains requires consent to .pl Domain Name Regulations as defined by NASK.
Beneficiary consents to exclusive provision of services concerning Functionality of the Domain Name Registration/Domain Name Maintenance/Option and related activities to MSERWIS, who concluded Agreement with NASK on cooperation concerning internet domain names, consent to perform activities with respect to the Research and Academic Computer Network (hereinafter referred to as – NASK) including legal activities concerning Functionality of the Domain Name Registration, change of the Domain Name Subscriber, removal of the Domain Name, change of data concerning devices used for the Domain Name, as well as provision by NASK to the Partner data processing and transmission concerning Subscriber/Tenderer/Option Benefitiary intended for Maintenance of the above Domain Name.
.pl - national domain: Poland
Available TLD: .pl
Organization: Naukowa i Akademicka Sieć Komputerowa
Registry address: http://www.dns.pl/
Public WHOIS server: whois.dns.pl
Unquestionable leader when it comes to the registration of country code domains. I registered a number of domains in the strangest parts of Asia or Africa. Even the prices of European domains are unbeatable. You can register .pl domains everywhere, but if you want to go farther, you can do it only with Domeny.tv.
Largest selection of TLDs from around the world – in one place
Convenient payment methods: bank transfer, PayU, credit card
VAT and pro forma invoices
Simple ordering process and immediate access to domains
Domain expiration renewal reminders
Never lose a domain – renew domains even a year in advance
Well-established position on the market. No hidden costs.
Additional services: redirection server, domain parking and more.
It is easy, check it in our search engine, or look it up on the foreign domains list.
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