Domains from all over the world in one place
1113 TLDs
from around
the world

Middle East

You will find here comprehensive information about TLDs from this region. Get to know, who administers particular TLD, how to check domain name availability and who owns a domain name. You will also learn about registration procedures for a particular TLD, costs and requirements. We hope it will allow you to make good decisions what domains to buy.

National domains map

If you're interested in other national domains you can find them using our map.

National domains map

Domain list

Domain Country Availability
.aeUnited Arab Emirates register online
.afAfghanistan asn about the availability
.amArmenia register online
.azAzerbaijan register online
.bhBahrain register online
.co.ilIsrael register online
.irIran, Islamic Republic of register online
.kgKyrgyzstan register online
.com.kwKuwait register online
.omOman asn about the availability
.pkPakistan register online
.qaQatar register online
.web.trTurkey register online
.com.trTurkey register online
.com.qaQatar register online
.co.irIran, Islamic Republic of register online
.com.omOman asn about the availability
.trTurkey register online
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